Week of August 17, 2003
We got an early start to St. Louis, Missouri in hopes
to avoid much of the oppressive heat and to be able to spend a good portion of a
Sunday with my friend, Dave Perry. Well, as the tire gods would have it,
our schedule was slightly detoured.
In coming over the Mississippi River bridge from
Illinois to St. Louis, Cindy lost her slipper and we had our first "glitch" by
means of a flat tire. We had been monitoring a slow leak in the same tire
so we were not too surprised. Unfortunately, the shredding of the tire had
to happen on asphalt, at noon, on a swelteringly hot and humid day. Ok, we
are wimps in that kind of heat and we had to whine a bit.
We changed the tire and found that the last three
service places that we took Cindy had obviously not checked the spare tire (as
we requested) because it was rather flat. So, a quick call to AAA and we
filled our spare and had no problems getting to Dave's house where the air
conditioning was beckoning to us.
Dave and I have known each other through work for over
ten years and we have joint custody of a cat named Stormi. I used to
travel with Stormi until Dave catnapped her and she and Dave have been living
happily ever after. Stormi is a cat with an attitude the size of her girth
and has not changed in her 11 years.
Stormi obliging
with a pose |
This is the
"real" Stormi
cattitude |
Because we had already planned on replacing the tires,
we felt this was a good time. If anything could go wrong with this
thinking, it did. Here's the story:
Once upon a time, there was a good, yet somewhat
weathered vehicle named Cinderella (Cindy for short). One day, Cindy lost
her slipper and had to replace all four slippers so that they would match.
Cindy was taken to a slipper replacement vendor wherein the men eagerly stated
that they had the correct slippers that would fit Cindy's delicately huge feet.
We requested only the best footwear be placed on Cindy
and that included 10 ply, radial slippers. Also, because Cindy's previous
shoes were in such good shape, we asked them to please install one as a spare
and provide another as a second spare.
When one of the charming men looked into the crystal
computer, he exclaimed "where did those slippers go" for the slippers had
disappeared from sight. After a mild panic and loud exclamations, the
slippers were indeed located and Cindy was left in the men's capable hands.
Upon return to Cindy, she was proudly sitting upon her
new footwear. The cobblers were paid and we made to exit; however,
our being somewhat particular, we wanted to get the specifications for the new
slippers. We dashed back inside and requested the necessary information.
Standing within the group was an older gentleman that questioned why we would
ask for a "light truck" slipper and not a "recreational vehicle" slipper.
Upon review of our parchment, the gentleman found that the wrong slippers had
been installed.
Within the time for our jaws to hit the floor, the
vendor agreed to install the correct footwear, but we would have to leave Cindy
overnight. We agreed and decided to inspect Cindy with Sir J, one of the
vendor's managers. As we walked around her girth, we found the vendor had
installed the correct spare except that it contained a rather noticeable bulge
that mirrored several splices on the other side. Needless to say, this
slipper was not acceptable for Cindy and we requested they replace this spare
with the last of the three good slippers.
We returned the next morning to see Cindy slipperless
and awaiting her new shoes. Within a short time, it was announced that
Cindy was yet again ready to dance. We found the correct slippers were
installed, but we also noticed that the damaged spare had not been replaced.
So, again we trudged inside to wait for the final product.
Shortly thereafter, we were told the spare was replaced
and we trotted out to inspect Cindy. What we found was the vendor had
replaced the spare, but had done so with the original spare that had very little
rubber on its sole. So, again, we trudged inside to wait while the men
located Cindy's last good slipper and replaced the spare correctly. After
many minutes of being told the last slipper had disappeared and our reaction of
"it would be best for you if that slipper showed itself", the slipper was found
in the pile of footwear that gets resold because they are in good condition.
Again, we were told Cindy was ready to dance and again,
we inspected her footwear. Finally, all the slippers were correctly
installed, the spare was correctly installed and undamaged, the second spare was
placed inside Cindy, and....wait a minute, not so fast....they forgot to install
the valve caps. So, without leaving Cindy's sight, we made certain that
all the valve caps were installed and that the air pressure in each slipper,
including the spare, was checked and correct under our inspection.
Needless to say, we ran out of there as fast as we
could and have been traveling happily ever after.
Shredded slipper
and new slipper |
spare |
Cindy getting
new slippers |
Other than a big-footed Brazilian stepping on the
computer data line and having to have the computer repaired, not much exciting
while in St. Louis. We did go downtown for a few hours but our time here
was most enjoyable visiting with Dave and his girlfriend, Laurie, and just
fixing a few things.
Various views
of the St. Louis
arch |
Dinner with Dave
and Laurie |
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