Week of August 10, 2003
Our next stop - Rochester, Minnesota to visit another
cherished childhood friend. Michelle, Kirk, Nathaniel, Autumn and
Bumpo graciously welcomed us into their home. Besides coming up with
challenges for Nathaniel, a very intelligent eight-year-old (Michelle will have
her hands full :-)), and watching the fearless Autumn, we got a chance to take a
breather and just enjoy our visit.
Michelle |
All the "kids"
and a little mud fun |
We did have a chance to venture around town and got to
see some Rochester landmarks.
St. Francis
Monastery |
house and
garden -
famous home |
Bumpo knows
how to pose |
Silver Lake
9,999 lakes
to go |
Corn country
water tower |
Only because of an appointment in Chicago, we left
Michelle and family after only a few days. On the way south, we were able
to enjoy a wonderful lunch with the person that hired me into State Farm, Ross,
and his wife Betts. Not only did we get to trade stories, we fell into our
old habit of trading books. I think I got the better of the deal - I gave
Ross the latest copy of Harry Potter and I received about 15 books in return.
It sure was great to see them after so many years. Without Ross's keen
insight to hire me, I don't think we would be living this dream journey.
Thanks Ross...
Ross, Louise
and Betts |
The regal
Charles |
Wisconsin |
We reached the Chicago area in time to visit the area I
used to live, Streamwood, and to find a place to park overnight.
Unfortunately, the Chicago area is woefully inept in providing for the
self-contained traveler and we had to ask permission of a recreation center to
park overnight in their parking lot. Fortunately, knowing how uptight the
local police department is, we posted a sign stating that we received permission
and listed the manager's name. Nonetheless, at 11:30 p.m., we were
bellowed at by the police to wake up and after they finished their alarm, they
decided to read the notice on the window. End result, "sorry to bother
you" and "you can go back to sleep now." Gee, thanks...and four spotlights
and three police cars left the "dangerous" scene.
We did have a chance to make a quick trip into Chicago
and visit the Navy Pier.
Clock Tower
that survived
the famous
Chicago fire |
Just some pics
of the skyline
and Lake Michigan |
The reason for our visit to the Chicago area was to sign
some refinance documents and to take a look at our rental home. We are
fortunate to have a terrific family taking care of the home.
The rental
looks good |
And, not passing up an opportunity to have a little fun,
we camped out in the driveway of Shawn and Tami's dream home and indulged in a
day on the Illinois River. Shawn and Tami offered us a day of sun and
wakeboarding and we had an awesome time. Check out the home they are
building on a private ski lake - it truly is spectacular. Thanks Shawn and
Tami (and Bella) for a great day.
A little
wakeboarding |
A little
surfing |
River |
Tami riding
Shawn surfing
Bella watching |
I call this
Wakeboard Gothic |
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