Week 35 - November 12, 2018 - November 22, 2018
A bittersweet week as we spent the time unpacking Cinderoo and giving her a thorough cleaning in hopes she would attract a buyer. Well, no sooner than we opened up the calendar to schedule people to have a look, we had a couple that really wanted to see her asap. I would say it was love at first drive as Daryl and Cheryl never left her once they got in. They took us back to my cousin's home, signed a bit of paperwork, transferred the money and off they went with Cinderoo.
Daryl and Cheryl were from
Brisbane and had come to Perth to buy a different motorhome. Upon
inspection of that motorhome, they were disappointed to see that it was not what
was advertised. As they had a few more days in Perth and had planned on
traveling north through Western Australia in hopes of finding some land on which
to build a house, they once again, searched for a motorhome. That was when they
hit upon Cinderoo and the rest is history. We know she will be loved as
Cheryl has already texted me several times about their enjoying Cinderoo's
company and even sent a few pictures.
Our last photos with Cinderoo and sad to see her go
Off Cinderoo goes with new campanions, Daryl and Cheryl
The day was quite a good one as we were so happy with Cinderoo's new owners and my cousin Jimmy got a pre-notification that his interview for a girls' soccer coaching job was successful and that he would have the official offer in the coming days. We had quite the celebratory dinner!
Congratulations to all of us! (Jane, Ellie, Stu, Jimmy, Gerson)
As usual in Perth, we had a beautiful Sunday to enjoy by having a breakfast on the beach (thank you Stuart). Then, we were off to revisit Fremantle and wander around its market sand downtown area. Lo and behold, we ran into a dear friend, obviously enjoying her new campanions.
Stuart makes a terrific beach-fast
Jimmy and Ellie graced us with their presence before running off to a
Recognizing a dear friend, Cinderoo, when coming into Fremantle
Fremantle markets and cool buildings
Taking advantage of some extra time in Perth, we revisted Kings Park and spent
the day walking around this magnificent green space. With being
springtime, lots of flowers in bloom and we found ourselves recognizing plants
that we learned of during our trip.
Views to Perth and nearby bay
Broadwalk Vista
We found a Boab tree (Northern Territory)
Just so many beautiful flowers
Banksia flowers are just weird looking
Grass Tree in bloom (first seen in Barna Mia, WA)
One place we had on our list to go to was Rottnest Island. This oddly named island is home to the Quokka, a small macropod marsupial that again, looks like an animal made up of parts of other animals, and as cute as can be. When the island was first spied by Dutch sailors, they saw the Quokka and thought them to be 'rats' and thus called the island "t'Eylandt 't Rottenest" or "Rats Nest" island.
We spent the day riding
electric bikes (loved it) around the entire island, stopping off at stunning
beaches and spectacular bays and had a bit of a snorkel in Eagle Bay.
Rottnest Island is also home to many fur seals, some of which we spied lounging
on their sides in the shallow waters just a reef-ridge over from where we were
snorkeling. Rottnest is definitely one of our favorite places we enjoyed
on our entire trip in Australia - it truly is a special island.
The ferry over started with a dolphin sighting
We were greeted by a local Quokka
The Basin beach area and along the west coast
Bathurst Lighthouse and Longreach Bay
Some bays were otherworldly
Just another beautiful bay
Just feeding the Quokka the berries it eats off the ground
Armstrong and Catherine Bays
City of York Bay and Ricey Beach
Gerson taking in the view
Stark Bay and Rocky Bay
Marjorie Bay
Mabel Cove and Cape Vlamingh
Eagle Bay and some local fur seals just lounging around
Nice snorkel at Eagle Bay
Lots of fish and beautiful kelp beds
A big Gerson-fish
Having fun with the fur seals in the background
Cool rock formations
Greater Crested Terns were surprised to see me
Although the water was a tad
chilly, we easily warmed up in the sunshine and once dry, we were back on the
bikes to complete our tour. On the way, we ran into a little pack of
Quokkas that were quite curious (and obviously had been fed by prior passerbys).
Eagle Bay was an exciting place to snorkel - just beautiful
Quokka's are adorable moochers...
and smoochers
Just more incredible views
Our lunch was being eyed by a momma and her baby (no food was in my hand)
Wadjemup Lighthouse
Oliver Hill lookout and battery
Another curious Quokka and their tails are very much rat-like
We caught the last ferry to the mainland and took the
next day to recover and make ready for our departure from Australia and our
embarking on our next adventure: New Zealand! Since we sold Cinderoo
so quickly, we had a few weeks to spare, so we could not ignore our proximity to
New Zealand any longer. We left Australia with a genuine love of its
people and its land and being reacquainted with my cousins, made the trip one of
our best experiences in our lives.