Week 27 - September 19, 2018 - September 23, 2018 (a short but busy week)
This week has a bit of trickle over from last week in Tasmania and although this page only covers four days of adventure, it was four incredible days in and around the Blue Mountains.
We flew out of Hobart, Tasmania and
back into Sydney and were greeted by Adriana. She whisked us off to this
wonderful little gathering place (The Grounds) wherein we enjoyed a fabulous garden lunch.
But, as we planned to get up into the Blue Mountains by nightfall, we quickly
unpacked and repacked Cinderoo and up we went.
Gerson looks handsome in his Akubra hat and views around Sydney
Fabulous lunch and gorgeous flowers
When you look at the last photo, that is the coastline we will be driving on our
way to Melbourne
We made it to our Blackheath camp and made sure we got plenty of rest for what was going to be a strenuous next few days. The Blue Mountains is a World Heritage site and its 'blue' name is derived from the fine mist of oil that exudes from the massive eucalyptus canopy. Our first jaunt was the Pulpit Rock lookout which also included the Anvil Rock lookout and the Wind Eroded Cave. From there, it was over to Evans Lookout for another spectacular view.
Pulpit Rock lookout - WOW!
Trail to Anvil Rock lookout.
Gerson in the 'tube' and Evan's lookout
Gerson in the Wind Eroded Cave
It did not take us long to realize that the Blue Mountains give our Grand Canyon a run for its money. The views are so intensely magnificent that your brain just cannot take it all in at once. To say our breath was taken away would be an understatement.
Our following days were spent near Katoomba with the intention of exploring Scenic World - the only way I can describe Scenic World is that it is a wild nature amusement park. The 'park' borders the Blue Mountains National Park and has incorporated two 'Skyway' gondolas to take you over the Katoomba Falls and up/down into the Jamison Valley below. There is also a fun historic train that carries you up/down the valley. The Scenic Railway is considered the steepest railway in the world (I believe it) and has a 52-degree incline to the Jamison Valley floor. We had so much fun on the train ride we did it twice, just for the thrill of the ride.
But, before we got to Scenic World, we took advantage of a lovely morning and ventured out to Govett's Leap, Bridal Veil Falls and Barrow lookout.
Govett's Leap lookout
Bridal Veil Falls
Around Barrow lookout
And, if all the beauty seen from the
lookouts was not enough, we spent the rest of the day at Scenic World wandering
around, up and down the Jamison Valley. We saw so many iconic landmarks
that one photo from one view was never enough. We hiked on top of cliffs,
through forests, along waterfalls...not to mention the fun we had on the
gondolas and especially, that train!
Katoomba Falls seen from the Skyway gondola
View out to Mt. Solitary along the Prince Henry Cliff Walk
The Three Sisters and the magnificent Jamison Valley
Jamison Valley and a local Skink enjoying the sun
Kids enjoying the falls
Cool view to Jamison Valley and the Skyway
Witches Rock
Sulpher Crested Cockatoos in the falls
Skyway overhead
Katoomba Falls
Could not resist a selfie with the Three Sisters
Our lunch view
The train was super steep and super fun
Valley canopy view
The skyway celebrated the U.S.A. 1996 Bicentennial
Just the moon over the Three Sisters view
The next day, we walked from our campground to the
Giant Stairway (crazy stairway carved out of the mountain) and down to the Three
Sisters. Although the Sisters was our point if interest, I had more fun
spotting the wonderful metal sculptures of the various critters you can see
around the Blue Mountains. I do not know if I saw them all, but I found
quite a few tucked into corners, perched on walls and sprinkled on rock faces.
Just another superb day in the park.
Nice memorial to the road builders - thought it interesting that the indigenous
are not shown working (as they did not build roads)
Giant's Stairway to the Three Sister's bridge
Views from the Three Sisters
Love the sculptures
A very cool tree
One more stop before we left the
beautiful Blue Mountains and that was Wentworth Falls. We knew the area
would be fantastic but we were still amazed with the falls and especially, the
Undercliffe Walk. And, by 'undercliff walk', they meant walking under the
Wentworth Falls
Found another sculpture
Gerson taking a break
Walking around the falls
Had to strike a pose
Gerson just being content
Undercliffe Walk along the cliff face (middle, just above treeline)
View to Valley of the Waters
Cool rock/bush formation - reminded me of the Indigenous
Cliff walk lived up to its name
Wentworth Falls and glorious rainbow
View to Valley of the Waters
Fancy meeting a Skink up here - beautiful copper color
As though all this excitement was not enough, we noticed Cinderoo had a slight problem with the recent adjustment of her brakes and we had to drive down from the Blue Mountains (about 1100m or 3300 ft high) to Sydney for a Monday morning mechanic visit. To say the drive down was interesting would be an understatement. Alas, we made it down the mountain with little trouble, thanks to minimal Sunday traffic, downshifting, the J-brake and a direct shot to our caravan park near the mechanic.