Diary/Photo Journal

Week of August 31, 2003

No sooner then we are off the ferry when our second glitch comes calling.  A small bump in the road and a strange "click" and "jingle" sound prompted questioning looks between us.  Now, you have to realize, that Cindy has her unique personality when it comes to odd squeaks and creaks, but this was a new sound and only happened the one time.

Being the suspicious creatures that we are, we looked a little more closely at our front end and found the noise-producing culprit - a small sway bar plate (the best way I can describe it - that helps reduce the sway of the van) broke in two and the jingle was the sound of the bolts hanging freely from the departed piece.  This part is not vital to the driving of Cindy and really only comes into play when the RV is pulled into a tight turn, so we were not too worried.  We were just not looking forward to finding a repair shop or welder and seeing as this was on Labor Day, we knew we had to wait until the following day.

We pulled into a small, neighborhood style market in Davis, North Carolina and while I got ice for our cooler, Gerson figured it would be best to remove the dangling, jangling part and prepare for the trip to the welder.  While he is under the front end (with his back end sticking out from underneath), a man leans out of his truck and asks, "Need any help?"  Gerson briefly explained what happened and what we think was needed and this wonderful man states, "Well, my son is just down the road and he can weld anything."

By now, I have poked my head back around Cindy, not sure of what I was hearing, and gave Gerson a look of "what have we got to lose".  The man, as we came to know as "Jack", persisted in his cause and the next thing we knew, we were following Jack back to his house, only a few blocks away (Ok, so the town was about one mile long).   His son James "Pitt" was home and within an hour, the part was taken completely off, cleaned, welded and reinstalled to fine working order.  Jack even went so far as to provide me with his own computer so I could update our email and check on the website.  Talk about your Southern hospitality. 

It truly was one of those rare experiences that restores your faith in people.  I could have sat and talked with Jack and Pitt for hours but unfortunately, we needed to press on and we had to leave.  I don't think we can really thank them enough.

Gerson and Jack
Pitt and Gerson
fixing Cindy
Hunter - very under fed
and under loved
yeah, right!

With Cindy being repaired, we were off to South Carolina for a quick stop at Charleston and Fort Sumter.  Unfortunately, we played what was to be a bad part in a comedy because just as we were walking up the long entrance to the Fort Sumter memorial, the last ferry to the fort was departing.  Not wanting to swim to the Fort, we had to settle for perusing the museum and leaving with a few explanatory brochures.

Gerson at the
Charleston Harbor
and the Yorktown
This was our best and only view of
Fort Sumter where the Civil War was
said to be officially started

We found a wonderful place in Georgia to stay for the night called the Crooked River State Park. 

Sunset over
the Crooked

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