Cinderoo came about after several weeks of searching for a compatible traveling companion that we could trust to ferry us around Australia. Unfortunately, Australia being a somewhat remote country and the cost of goods were rather expensive, we found ourselves adjusting our expectations and looked specifically for a wiser motorhome that we could retrofit to our wants. Thus, we found Cinderoo and she has been thoroughly inspected and upgraded to meet our expectations.
Cinderoo's name was light-bulbed by Gerson while he was fondly remembering our first traveling companion, Cinderella, or Cindy for short. Cindy took us all around the United States and from California to and around South America, where she resides today in Curitiba, Brasil. With an affectionate nod to Cindy, Cinderoo, or Cindoo for short, was born.
Cindoo is a 1988 Mitsubishi Cantor "Ute" (Utility Truck) with a Winnebago conversion to a Class C motorhome. Although she only has four cylinders and 330,000 kilometers, her manual transmission/diesel engine is just getting started. Cindoo had 'good bones' and we knew when we bought her she would need some much needed attention to get her up and hopping.
So, with some new shoes (tyres), new knees (shocks) and new hips (springs), Cindoo should be hopping along just fine. We also made sure her nervous system (electrical) was synapsing properly and that her veins (plumbing) could handle the demands to be made of her. Finally, we chose to (en)lighten her head by adding solar and to better her digestive system (bathroom) so we renovated the toilet/shower. Fortunately, Cindoo has a strong heart (engine) and she beats right along.
All in all, Cinderoo will prove
to be a worthy companion and as we made the repairs with the idea of reselling
her at the end of our trip, we know we will be sad to see her go at that time.
Cinderoo - telling her story
Storage for the necessary 'jerry' cans, generator, etc.
Gerson enjoying one of his many patios
Going to enjoy our new outdoor shower
Open Kitchen floor plan with eat-in feature
Living Room
Master Bedroom loft
Second Bedroom with walk-up closets
En-suite Bathroom with comfort toilet and shower
Cinderoo is Eco-conscious with her new solar support system
So come along with Cinderoo and us too...